
Corporate performance can no longer be viewed through the prism of profitability alone. This idea is now widely shared by the financial community.
We have decided to go further, and to address the management of carbon emissions as seriously as financial management.
This is why we, the Yotta Capital Partners team, are committed to set quantified objectives for carbon reduction.
We furthermore aim to create quality jobs in our portfolio companies’ regions.
We believe that development is a complete process, which must combine economic and extra-economic (social and environmental) considerations.
ESG Charter
Yotta believes that the three components of performance are linked: economic, environmental and social.
with regulations
Yotta implements the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation which came into effect on 10th March 2021. In accordance with this Regulation, Yotta Capital Partners has formalized its sustainability-related disclosures report which details how sustainability risks are integrated into our investment process.
This report also details how principal adverse impacts are integrated into the investment process.
The International Climate Initiative is a working group of the Sustainability Commission of France Invest (the French private equity industrial association). It brings together committed private equity investors, committed to take actions in face of climate issues.
The “Label Relance” allows institutional investors to identify the funds that best meet the financing needs of French companies in the context of the post-pandemic economic recovery.
As an investor
We apply a clear methodology for addressing climate and ESG issues in our investment process and monitoring strategy.
We actively support our portfolio companies in reducing their carbon footprint.
We support our portfolio companies in improving their ESG performance.
We encourage the implementation of best management practices and value sharing mechanisms.
As a company
We raise our team’s awareness for ESG issues, with a particular focus on climate and biodiversity.
We encourage our team to take action to reduce carbon emissions (promoting public transport and soft mobility, responsible digital practices, eco-responsibility, etc.).
Charters and commitments for promotion of ESG pactices across the industry
Yotta is a member of the international Climate 2020 Initiative and France Invest Climate and Industry Commissions. In addition, Yotta has obtained the Label Relance, targeting funds providing resources to French SME in the wake of Covid-19 crisis. Yotta is a signatory of the France Invest Charter for Responsible Investment, and adheres to the six Principles of Responsible Investment defined by the United Nations.

And also…
Yotta is engaged in philanthropic activities. The management company donates part of the net income to associations whose purpose is to promote employability and inclusion in the labour market and/or to fight global warming.